Our NeuroStudio includes:

A Physiotherapist and Exercise Physiologist on site to help you achieve your program goals

Exercise equipment designed specifically for Neurological and rehabilitation exercises

Provision of Individual assessments and programs

Group exercise classes for neurological, rehabilitation and ageing

No referral necessary, we can provide an initial assessment and design your best program

Health Fund Rebates, My Aged Care and NDIS support may be available for eligible participants

Our Exercise Physiologists at the NeuroStudio can help people with:

  • Obesity
  • Mental health conditions (depression, anxiety etc.)
  • Cancer (during treatment and recovery)
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis and Osteopenia
  • Joint replacement and reconstruction rehabilitation
  • Chronic pain conditions
  • Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurological conditions
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Acquired brain injury, spinal cord injury
  • Stroke rehabilitation
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Falls prevention and balance training
  • Cardiovascular disease, pulmonary/respiratory conditions

Specialised equipment.

We’ve made a significant investment in exercise equipment specific to neurological and complex rehabilitation.. At NeuroStudio you’ll havqe access to exercise equipment not usually available in everyday gyms. Here’s just some of our specialised equipment:

  • Litegait – our partial weight bearing system and treadmill
  • SkiMil – for better activation of extensor activity in walking
  • Specialised cable pulley for very small weight adjustments
  • Specialised leg press that reclines and works with partial body weight or with a weight stack

Individual assessments and training programs

A dual focus from our Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists

No two bodies are the same. An individual tailored exercise program is the key to successful rehabilitation or maintenance. Our Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists take the time to get to know you – your medical history, your lifestyle, your goals, and any barriers to physical activity.

Your Exercise Physiology assessment may include the analysis of: strength, core stability, cardiovascular fitness, endurance, balance, flexibility or mobility and allows us to track your progress.

Your Physiotherapy assessment will focus on any underlying impairments in sensation, strength, co-ordination, motor control, joint function, and integration of these into the way you move.

The outcome of the dual assessment is a detailed goal-focused exercise plan where you know what to expect every step of the way.


Get the most out of following your exercise program with our supervised time slots limited to just 3 people

  • Follow the independent exercise program that we or your healthcare provider have previously designed for you
  • Exercise safely with the correct technique
  • Supervised by our health professionals who have the expertise to guide you

NDIS, Health Rebates and My Aged Care

Because our NeuroStudio provides qualified assistance by our health professionals, you may be able to claim your visits with your eligible third party support system such as the NDIS, through your health fund or with My Aged Care.

Everyone’s level of cover is different, but we’ll help you understand what and how to claim, should you be eligible.

No referral necessary

There is no referral necessary to attend out NeuroStudio, however we do require you to have an initial assessment to ensure that you can safely and effectively use our equipment.

Our Specialised programs

Groups are limited in size, and designed for specific neurological conditions or abilities. You can feel supported and confident you are getting the right exercises

Empowering people living with Multiple Sclerosis. This exciting, new, and evidence based program is designed to maximize your understanding of how MS can be positively influenced by exercise and education.

The program runs for 6 weeks and involves 2 x 1 hour sessions each week. It is a circuit based group class with high intensity interval training starting with as little as 10 seconds and building up to 45 seconds. The program is run in the clinic however there are options to do hydrotherapy based exercise through the week as well. Throughout the program we cover 6 educational topics and there is a variety of self-reflection and activity schedules to help make exercise a part of your daily routine.

The program is designed for those newly diagnosed and minimally impaired, however our accredited instructors and tailor the program to a wide range of MS presentations.

Do you need extra motivation and help to complete your exercises? Are you confident you are completing your exercises the right way? Enable Me gym classes involve using an individualized exercise program set up by your therapist in a small group. This group has a maximum of 3 participants to 1 therapist to allow for for close attention and assistance, minor adjustment of your exercises as needed, and getting feedback about how you are performing your exercises.

Enable Me gym class is designed to:

  • Assist you to work towards your individual strength, balance, mobility, and fitness goals
  • Increase confidence and independence in a gym environment
  • Learn about why exercise is important for your condition and how to implement it to get the maximum benefit
  • Increase your overall activity levels with feedback that you are performing exercise correctly

Prior to beginning in the Enable Me gym class, you will have an individual assessment with your therapist to work out a plan to achieve your individual goals. This is a perfect way to begin an exercise program and progress to working in a community gym if you are not sure where to start. You will use a variety of equipment in the gym including cardio and strength equipment, cables, resistance bands, balance bars, free weights, and various balance equipment.

Neurospace offers multiple class times each week to suit your timetable.

Our ‘ON track’ small groups are lead by the AHAs and for those who have progressed through the Enable ME programs. You want to keep using our equipment, and need some assistance to get on and off the equipment or follow the program. This helps keeps the costs down for you. There is no expectation that your program will be changed by the AHA and regular review with your treating therapist will be needed for this.

This group time is an opportunity to work independently in the studio with our specialised equipment, knowing that help is nearby with an allocated staff member. You will have your own program that has been prescribed by one of our health professionals or been prescribed by a health professional from another practice. In the latter case you will need to demonstrate correct use of the equipment at your first session in a one to one 30 minute session with an EP. There can be up to 6 people booking in online, and the time will be in our extended gym hours when the gym is less busy. Payment is anticipated to be via purchase of a multisession pass.

Is a customised program for one to one intensive program that helps reset the neurological system to move better. The program has some set components and individualised items that are designed to set a person up with a regime to continue for a long time.  More detail can be found here. https://www.lsvtglobal.com/LSVTBIG

We recommend you encourage your motivation and enthusiasm for the change you will feel using one of PD group classes ( your physio can help guide you).

Do you feel you are getting enough targeted exercise? We know exercise is helpful at slowing the progression of Parkinson’s Disease and our PD45 is a 45 minute high intensity exercise class designed for newly diagnosed clients and those who experience minor symptoms and changes to movement patterns. This class has a maximum of 8 participants with 1 therapist to ensure you get the support and assistance you need to achieve great quality movements.

PD45 Class is designed to:

  • Increase aerobic fitness, endurance, and global muscle strength through high intensity interval training
  • Address symptom presentation through specific exercises for amplitude, power, and balance
  • Maximize muscle strength and joint flexibility
  • Correct and improve posture and balance, and minimize risks of falls
  • Provide education about how exercise is important for Parkinson’s disease and how it can increase functional capacity

Prior to beginning classes, you will have an initial assessment with one of our therapists to determine your capacity, set some goals, and develop a plan that will include exercise both in the clinic and at home or at your gym. The class uses a lot of different exercises which include a mixture of body weight, free weights, and machine-based exercises. It is also a great way to meet other motivated people with PD.

Our PD60 exercise class is a 60 minute class suited to people with Parkinson’s disease who experience movement difficulties. It is a circuit-based class that focuses on the amplitude of movement, encompassing functional exercises that focus on the quality and size of your movements as well as resistance and fitness training. This class has a maximum of 4 participants with 1 therapist to ensure you get the support and assistance you need to achieve great quality movements.

PD60 is designed to:

  • Maintain and improve levels of function and independence, which will help to improve a person’s quality of life
  • Use exercise and movement strategies to improve mobility
  • Correct and improve abnormal movement patterns and posture, where possible
  • Maximize muscle strength and joint flexibility
  • Correct and improve posture and balance, and minimize risks of falls

Prior to beginning classes, we will work through some assessments to determine your capacity, set some goals, and develop a plan that will include exercise both in the clinic and at home or at your gym. We can adapt the exercises to suit your current level, and you will be encouraged to work as hard as you can. The higher the intensity, the better your movements will be!

Our PD inspire exercise class is 60 minutes and offers more close support for those with movement difficulties, with the same focus as PD Power.  Slightly slower to  change between exercises, same big amplitude emphasis.

Empowering people living with Multiple Sclerosis. This exciting, new, and evidence based program is designed to maximize your understanding of how MS can be positively influenced by exercise and education.

The program runs for 6 weeks and involves 2 x 1 hour sessions each week. It is a circuit based group class with high intensity interval training starting with as little as 10 seconds and building up to 45 seconds. The program is run in the clinic however there are options to do hydrotherapy based exercise through the week as well. Throughout the program we cover 6 educational topics and there is a variety of self-reflection and activity schedules to help make exercise a part of your daily routine.

The program is designed for those newly diagnosed and minimally impaired, however our accredited instructors and tailor the program to a wide range of MS presentations.

A small group class to support and extend the training of those that have completed the MS Get a Head Start program . People with multiple sclerosis to work on specific exercises to help to reduce fatigue and increase physical capacity.

Are you feeling unsteady as stand and walk? Do you have less confidence moving around your house or out in the community?

Our ‘Stand Steady” balance class is aimed at helping you to work on postural control and walking indoors. The group is led by a physiotherapist, with a maximum of 3 participants to allow us to individualise activities for your specific needs while still working through the things essential to stay steady. Stand Steady is designed to:

  • Improve sensation and awareness
  • Increase muscle strength, flexibility, and endurance – targeted at the requirements for postural control
  • Correct and improve posture and balance, and minimize risks of falls
  • Improve ability to stabilize on different surfaces and negotiate obstacle
  • Complete functional tasks which help you to gain more confidence in your home and in the community.

Prior to beginning balance classes, you will have need an individual assessment with one of our therapists and will probably do some preparatory work to be ready to participate in the class. There is opportunity to progress into Enable me sessions or other gym programs if desired. Neurospace offers balance classes twice a week.

Core Essentials takes you back to the basics of control with small movements that have a big effect.

Many neurological conditions, chronic illness and pain cause loss of strength and changes in movement patterns, which causes further weakness and stiffness. Core essentials is a clinical exercise class that uses current evidence and techniques to help you strengthen your core muscles and improve your movement patterns.

Core essentials class is designed to:

  • Practice and progress of techniques and exercises to improve trunk stability and strength in your core, hips, lower back, and pelvic floor
  • Improve coordination, proprioception and balance
  • Improve strength and mobility and correct imbalances in muscle strength
  • Develop correct movement strategies to integrate into other activities

Prior to beginning in the core essentials class, you will have an individualised assessment with your therapist to work out a plan to achieve your individual goals. The exercise groups have a maximum of 4 participants to 1 therapist enable close attention to your individual needs. You will perform movements with and without equipment. Equipment includes mats, resistance bands, dumbbells, gym balls, foam rollers, reformer and machine-based strength and cardio equipment.

Neurospace offers Core Essential Group work twice a week.

This selection varies with what our clients needs are , we offer targeted programs to get you walking or running in the community. This includes

Runability Running is something a person with a disability may dream of doing, and fortunately Neurospace has a health team that runs and are keen to share that with you and help you learn to run with a disability. If you are already running, there is the option to keep working with the physiotherapist on your technique and strength.

The group includes one track and one gym session with homework in between. The strength and flexibility work , and supported running drills are all targeted to getting you moving faster on your feet.

All participants need an individual assessment from the group leader before joining. Ideally you will commit to at least an 8 week block of participation to maximise your improvement.

Do you have a specific exercise or health goal in mind?

  • Planning to travel overseas and want to climb the 710 steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower?
  • Do you want to stay active and get the most out of your retirement?
  • Do you have a wedding or reunion coming up and want to feel your best?

Our ‘beneFITs to Retire’ packages are designed to help you meet your individual health and fitness goals. You will be assessed by a Physiotherapist and an Exercise Physiologist and have a written health plan and exercise program designed specifically to help you achieve your goals.

This package includes:

  • 1 hour Assessment with a Physiotherapist
  • 45 minute Assessment with an Exercise Physiologist
  • 3 x 30 minute follow-up sessions in the gym.

Neurospace Studio Packages

Choose a package to get the most from your rehab and work toward your goals

** note all uses of the studio need a gym assessment clearance before working on refining technique or independent times

Get Started

$490 (save $86)

Initial assessment with
our Physiotherapist
(1 hour)

Assessment with our
Exercise Physiologist
(45 mins)

3 Studio visits
(30 mins each)

Specialised Group Programs

$60 (per class)

$570 (10 classes – 5% discount) *

Attend our classes designed
specifically for Neurological conditions
and complex rehab

Classes limited to 3 people


$217.50 (per class)

$203.50 (inc GST) (10 classes – self funded)

Attend our classes designed
specifically for Neurological conditions
and complex rehab

Classes limited to 3 people

Class passes and visit passes to be used with 6 months of purchase. Non refundable and non transferrable.

* Discount pricing for individuals, not for Third party paying clients.

Frequently asked NeuroStudio questions

The NeuroStudio can only be used with staff present. The regular hours will be 8-5 regularly and by appointment Mon- Friday 6am-8am, 5pm- 8pm; Saturday 9-1 pm by appointment
Yes we want our equipment to be used. You will need to bring a written program from the other therapist, and attend at least one 30 minute session with our EP to learn to use the equipment correctly, understand safety protocols and check your technique. If you don’t have a written program, you can book a longer session with our EP to have this prescribed, ideally with a handover from your physiotherapist.
Our goal is that you can book and manage your appointments online, however, we need to make sure you are getting the best care and outcome for your level of ability so if you are new to Neurospace, have not been for 6 months, or previously attended a small group you will need go through reception.
The NeuroStudio will be accessible for wheelchairs and those requiring no steps from the rear of the building at the Prospect Court entrance, this is signposted with no street number. There are 6 parking spaces here. The front of the building at 56 Colbee Court has free parking and one step into the building. All doors are power operated and will open for you.
Payments can be made on the day with Tyro (Eftpos and health funds). Multipasses can be prepurchased for group session. Third party payments will need to follow the guidelines.

Why Choose Neurospace?

Principal physio with 38 years rehabilitation experience

Our Home Visits and telehealth options make treatment more convenient

Purpose-build rehab studio with specialised equipment

As a long standing NDIS registered provider, we take the confusion out of claiming and help you maximise your benefits*

Free parking and easy accessibility

Excellent professional staff and service, very friendly and supportive. Highly recommend.

Jackie Neill

I have been going to Neurospace Physiotherapy for the last two weeks and I am so happy with the service that they have been able to provide to me. The staff are incredibly welcoming and helpful and they have been able to help me immensely. I highly recommend this service!

Ally Gould

Best physio to go to, the staff are helpful and caring.

Sammy Rose