Core Essentials takes you back to the basics of control with small movements that have a big effect.
Many neurological conditions, chronic illness and pain cause loss of strength and changes in movement patterns, which causes further weakness and stiffness. Core essentials is a clinical exercise class that uses current evidence and techniques to help you strengthen your core muscles and improve your movement patterns.
Core essentials class is designed to:
- Practice and progress of techniques and exercises to improve trunk stability and strength in your core, hips, lower back, and pelvic floor
- Improve coordination, proprioception and balance
- Improve strength and mobility and correct imbalances in muscle strength
- Develop correct movement strategies to integrate into other activities
Prior to beginning in the core essentials class, you will have an individualised assessment with your therapist to work out a plan to achieve your individual goals. The exercise groups have a maximum of 4 participants to 1 therapist enable close attention to your individual needs. You will perform movements with and without equipment. Equipment includes mats, resistance bands, dumbbells, gym balls, foam rollers, reformer and machine-based strength and cardio equipment.
Neurospace offers Core Essential Group work twice a week.